About PTA 關於家長會
The PS184 Shuang Wen School’s Parent Teacher Association is led by parent volunteers who are committed to help build PS184’s community, and raise additional funds to benefit the education, health, and safety of all students. The elected members of the PTA Executive Board use their skills and volunteer hours to support the PTA mission, and we thank this year’s Board for working cooperatively with families and the school, and for taking charge of fundraising and events which have made a big impact on the quality of student life. This year, the PTA supported the education of students with enrichment programs such as Cool Culture museum visits by our youngest students, a new Theater Club for our elementary school students, and a new Debate Club for our middle school students; as well as field trips to visit architecture firms and extra materials for our art and music departments that will benefit all grades from PK-Grade 8. To support the health of students, the PTA provided extra sports coaching and equipment to promote active recess time, lice checks to prevent further outbreaks, and provided useful extra equipment for the school's OT/PT team. In order to support our teachers, the PTA also hosted staff appreciation lunches, and paid for supplemental books and teacher training classes to raise the quality of instruction at our school. To serve our PS184 community better, the PTA also organized parent volunteers to maintain the library as a valuable Chinese and English resource, and hosted family fun events each month to bring our community closer together. Responsibilities: The PTA is an IRS recognized 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization and must abide by its By-Laws and IRS rules governing 501(c)(3) in order to use our 501(c)3 status to apply for external grants and ask for donations. The elected PTA Executive Board Members have a meeting each month and vote on topics during at Executive Board meetings. All other parents are PTA General Members and have the right to vote on topics presented at General Membership Meetings. The PTA Executive Board and PTA General Membership Meetings are held every month, and all parents are welcome to attend. Meeting Minutes are approved and published by the school on the PS184m.org website.
PS184 雙文學校家⻑會(PTA) PS184 雙文學校家⻑教師協會由家⻑志工組成,他們致力於幫助建立 PS184 雙文大家庭 並籌集額外資金,以使所有學生的教育,健康和安全受益。 家⻑會執行委員會的當選成 員利用他們的智能和志工時間來支持家⻑會任務。我們感謝今年的家⻑會執行委員會與家 庭和學校合作,負責籌款,舉辦活動,對學生生活質量產生重大影響。 今年,家⻑會提供豐富的學習項目支持學生的教育,例如讓我們最小的學生參觀酷文化博 物館,為小學部開設⼀個新的戲劇俱樂部,為中學部提供⼀個新的辯論俱樂部,參觀設計 公司的校外教學旅行,以及為美術和音樂課提供額外的材料,以供預幼班至八年級學生使 用。家⻑會也提供額外的體育教練和運動設備來促進學生的健康,加強休息時間的活動品 質。全校頭蝨檢查以防⽌進⼀步的爆發,並為學校的職業治療師/體能治療師提供有用的 額外設備服務。 家⻑會還支持教師支付補充書籍費用和培訓,以提高教學質量。家⻑會 並組織家⻑志工維護圖書館寶貴的中英文資源,提供教職員午餐表達我們對老師的感謝, 並舉辦家庭歡樂活動,讓雙文大家庭更加緊密團結。 職責:我們的家⻑會是 IRS 註冊的 501(c)3 非營利組織,必須遵守其章程和非營利組 織的規則,以保有 501(c)3 資格,才能申請外部補助金,並贏得企業捐贈。當選的家 ⻑會執行委員會成員每⽉召開⼀次會議,並在執行委員會會議期間對各項提案進行投票。 所有其他家⻑都是⼀般會員,並有權對⼀般會員會議上提出的提案進行投票 。 家⻑會執 行委員會和家⻑會⼀般會員會議每⽉舉行⼀次,歡迎所有家⻑參加。會議紀錄要經批准, 然後由學校在 PS184m.org 網站上公佈。