Dual Language 雙語課程
Our Dual Language program strives to have students achieve academically while developing fluency in both English and Chinese (Mandarin). We use a 50-50 partial immersion, also known as the balanced model. 50% of our instruction is conducted using English and 50% using Chinese (Mandarin). Our Kindergarten and first grade classes follow a self-contained half day rollercoaster model. One bilingual teacher instructs his or her class by alternating the instructional language based on the half day. Our 2nd and 3rd grade classes follow the side-by-side alternate day model. Two teachers in two different classrooms instruct in either Mandarin or English language on alternate days. The students attend alternate classes between the two teachers receiving instruction in both Mandarin Chinese and English. Our 4th -8th grade classes follow departmentalized program where subject areas, such as Mathematics, Social Studies, Chinese Language Arts, Music, and Dance, are delivered in both Mandarin and English.