Guidance 輔導指南 » Elementary School 小學部

Elementary School 小學部

The information below came from DOE 以下信息來自教育部門


Dear parent/guardian,

Welcome to the new school year—and to middle school admissions! Whether your family is participating in blended or all-remote learning this fall, we are committed to providing the information and support you need during middle school admissions.

The middle school application is not yet open. We’ll be in touch with more information about the admissions timeline, but we would like to share that this year’s admissions process will not have the traditional early December application deadline; the deadline will be at a later date. This is to ensure that you have enough time to learn about admissions and explore school options. Here’s what you can do now:

  1. Learn about middle school admissions! Get the latest updates on our website.
  2. COMING SOON: Watch our new video series– we'll walk you through the steps of applying to middle school in New York City.
  3. Learn about programs in detail and search for schools by course offerings, location, sports, and more in the MySchools middle school directory.
  4. Make a list of programs that interest you.

What’s next?

Later this fall, you will receive a personalized Welcome Letter in the mail, which includes a unique code to access your child’s MySchools account. You will also be able to request this Welcome Letter from your child’s current public school. We’ll let you know when letters are on the way.

If you no longer wish to receive emails about middle school admissions, please click here to unsubscribe.


The Middle Schools Admissions Team

Office of Student Enrollment





  1. 了解初中入學程序﹗在我們的網站查看最新的資訊。
  2.  即將公佈:請觀看我們的新視頻系列──我們將一步一步指導您申請紐約市的初中
  3.  在 MySchools初中指南瞭解各課程的詳情,並按課程、地點、體育活動等搜索學校。
  4.  制訂您感興趣的課程名單。







Middle School Directory and Admissions Guide 初中目錄和招生指南


This year, the middle school directory and admissions guide will exist exclusively in a virtual format, and will not be printed. As the application opens, families may learn about the admissions process on DOE website where they can both read an admissions guide and watch videos explaining the admissions process. 今年,初中目錄和招生指南將僅以在線格式存在,並且不會打印出來。隨著申請表的開放,家長可以在教育部網站上了解入學程序還有可以讀入學指南並觀看解釋入學程序的視頻。


Welcome to Middle School Admissions! 歡迎來到初中錄取過程!

  • The middle school application for students applying this year to enter middle school in fall 2023 is not yet open. 今年申請2023年秋季初中入學的申請表尚未開放。
  • Sign up for our middle school admissions email list and enrollment office will notify you when the application opens. You will also get updates, key date reminders, and tips throughout the admissions process. 註冊教育部招生處的中學入學電子郵件列表。我們會通知您當申請表開放。 在整個錄取過程中,您還將獲得更新信息,重要日期提醒和提示。